FullHunt Public API is now a data provider for Amass + SpiderFoot!

FullHunt 💜 Open-Source

If there is one thing we’re excited about, it’s the Open-Source community. Today, we’re glad to announce the integration of FullHunt with two major security tools within the OSINT industry: Amass + SpiderFoot. FullHunt is now a data provider that powers the OSINT and passive scanning for Amass and SpiderFoot to discover attack surfaces. This comes in addition to TheHarvester too, which came last month.

FullHunt integration with Amass 🚀

The new release of Amass includes the FullHunt API as a data source of the subdomain enumeration phase of Amass.

I have been a big fan of Amass since its release a few years ago, I’m glad to see this happening!

Tweet: https://twitter.com/owaspamass/status/1459019750437236759

FullHunt integration with SpiderFoot Framework🕷️

SpiderFoot was one of the first adopters to FullHunt. as soon as the FullHunt API reached beta, SpiderFoot has developed a module for FullHunt and a Pull Request was ready by @_bcoles.

It’s really exciting to see SpiderFoot integrating FullHunt for OSINT. I especially liked the use of several data points FullHunt is probing to build an OSINT interface.

FullHunt API Documentation

You can find the API documentation for the public API at: api-docs.fullhunt.io.

API Keys

You can obtain an API key by signing up for a free account at FullHunt. If you’re an enterprise customer, your account receives unlimited access to the FullHunt public API.

This is just the beginning…

We’re in the process of integrating FullHunt with the Metasploit framework to allow Attack Surface Discovery within seconds right from the Metasploit console.

PR: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/issues/15857

Would you like to contribute to the Metasploit and build an Auxiliary Module for discovering attack surfaces using FullHunt.io? This will be a great addition :)

Huge Thanks to the amazing Open-Source contributors

This would not have been possible without the amazing Open-Source contributors:

  • Jeff Foley: for building Amass, and developing the excellent integration of FullHunt on ADS language.
  • @_bcoles: for building the extensive SpiderFoot integration that utilizes several FullHunt datapoints on its OSINT gathering.
  • Everyone at SpiderFoot, theHarvester, and Amass for being awesome.

Are you an enterprise that is looking for more features, continuous monitoring, security scanning, better support, more features, and custom-developed tools? Please reach out to us at [email protected], and we will be happy to solve your challenges.

Discover unknown assets today and protect your organization

Best regards,
Mazin Ahmed
The FullHunt Team